NoSQL Road Show Copenhagen March 2, 2012

Steve Vinoski, Architect at Basho

Steve Vinoski

Biography: Steve Vinoski

Steve Vinoski is an architect at Basho Technologies in Cambridge, MA, USA. He's worked on distributed systems and middleware systems for over 20 years, including distributed object systems, service-oriented systems, and RESTful web services. His interest in software quality and development speed led Steve to start exploring and using Erlang in 2006, and he's used it as as his primary development language ever since. He writes "The Functional Web" column for IEEE Internet Computing in which he explores the use of functional programming languages for web development.

Twitter: @stevevinoski

Presentation: Understanding Tradeoffs for Scalability

Time: Friday 14:00 - 14:45 / Location: Room 1

Handling challenges associated with large-scale data systems requires making tradeoffs due to practical considerations such as latency, availability, and system reliability. In this talk Steve will present a high-level overview of these issues and the theories behind the tradeoffs used to address them, and then show how riak_core, the distributed systems framework underlying Basho's Riak database, provides the key ingredients necessary to realize these tradeoffs and achieve the scalability required for today's large data systems.