NoSQL Road Show Zurich 2012

David Dawson, Director of Technology of Mobile Interactive Group (MIG)

David Dawson

Biography: David Dawson

David Dawson is the ‘Director of Technology’ of Mobile Interactive Group (MIG), with more than 10 years of commercial experience in software development. He joined MIG in 2006 shortly after the company was formed and was fundamental in MIG’s early success by delivering robust and profitable platforms.

David then went on to grow and head up a Technology team comprising of Developers/Testers/SysAdmins, which has consistently delivered mission critical platforms to on budget David is also a keen advocate of open source technology, both using and contributing to a number of new and existing projects, he also embraces an agile approach to building software, especially the use of Test-Driven-Development which stems back to his early days as a Software Tester.

David has previously worked at GKN Westland Helicopters, RiverSoft (IBM), Sun Microsystem s (Oracle) and Trayport, and holds a ISEB Practioner Qualification in Software Testing.

Presentation: NoSQL FOR THE MASSES Battle stories from the storage front

Time: Thursday 16:00 - 16:30 / Location: Room 1
