NoSQL Search Roadshow Munich 2013

GOTO NoSQL Munich: part I

Date: 21.03.2013

Time: Registration starts at 17.30, Duration: 18.00-20.00

adesso AG
Landsberger Str. 110
80339 Munich

Costs: Free of charge


Speaker: Kai Spichale, Senior Software Engineer at adesso ag

Kai Spichale is a Senior Software Engineer at adesso, a leading IT service provider in Germany, where he is responsible for designing and developing Java applications. Kai is passionate about NoSQL and Big Data trends and has written numerous articles about these topics.

Abstract: Full-text search with NoSQL Technologies 

The increasing amount of semi-structured data, which is basically text-heavy, leads to wider adoption of NoSQL and full-text search technologies. In this talk Kai Spichale describes how NoSQL technologies such as Neo4j, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, and Apache Hadoop can be used for text searches. The talk also addresses the combination of NoSQL data stores and Lucene-based search engine. 



Speaker: Alexander Reelsen, software Engineer  at Elasticsearch

Alexander Reelsen is a web-framework enthusiast with a deep interest in search technologies. He works as a software engineer for Elasticsearch. 

Abstract: Elasticsearch - Search made easy

This presentation gives a short introduction into why search is hard and how elasticsearch tries to make search as easy as possible - for the developer as well as for the user using the search engine. 

The presentaton is now online: Search made easy

GOTO NoSQL Munich: part II 

Date: 09.04.2013

Time: Registration starts at 17.30, Duration: 18.00-20.00

adesso AG
Landsberger Str. 110
80339 Munich

Costs: Free of charge


Speakers: Bernd Zuther, Researcher and Software Engineer at comSysto GmbH 

Hadoop, MongoDB and Spring JEE Developer. On a permanent quest for cutting edge data management technologies.

Cindy Lamm, Data Scientist at comSysto GmbH

Developing in most statistical programming languages, especially R. Certified MongoDB and Hadoop Developer. Constantly looking for more data and the tools to handle.  

Abstract: Building a Online-Recommendation Engine with MongoDB

Mario is an Italian guy who sells the most famous pizza in Munich through an online shop based on MongoDB. Mario's current goal is to increase his cross- and up-selling rate. He hired a statistician to create a recommendation engine for the online shop. This talk sheds light on how to build an online recommendation engine based on MongoDB and Apache Mahout. We show which recommenders must be built to reach Mario's goal and how these can be integrated in Mario's shop infrastructure. Finally, the effectiveness of the different recommenders is visualised in a realtime dashboard.

The presentaton is now online: 


Speaker: Omar Diego Vera Ustariz

He is a software engineer in the area of Munich. Currently works for Check24 as a software developer. Before that he worked as a consulting in Software Engineering for the Swiss Company Zühlke Engineering. He likes agile practices and is very interested about the NoSQL data bases.

Abstract: Using MongoDB in an agile environment 

This presentation is about the experience of using MongoDB in an agile project. The project was about the development of a portal for searching and comparing garage prices. Car owners use the portal to search for a garage that can repair their car. In the talk will be presented how MongoDB was used in an agile project and the tradeoffs of adopting MongoDB.

The presentation is now online: