NoSQL Search Roadshow Amsterdam 2013
Akmal B. Chaudhri, TweetBig Data, Hadoop and NoSQL Technical Instructor

Biography: Akmal B. Chaudhri
World-Wide Community Builder, Conference Presenter, Developer Advocate, Technical Trainer and University Relations
Akmal B. Chaudhri has been working with database technology since 1988. He has held roles as a developer, consultant and product strategist with Reuters, Logica, Computer Associates, Informix and IBM. He has published and presented widely on Java, XML and Database systems and edited or co-edited 10 books, and is now working on a new book on NoSQL technology. He has worked extensively on world-wide developer relations programs at IBM and world-wide university relations and academic initiative programs at Informix and IBM. His presentations are often very highly-rated by attendees for content, impartiality and entertainment. He holds a BSc (1st Class Hons.) in Computing and Information Systems, MSc in Business Systems Analysis and Design and a PhD in Computer Science. He is a Member of the British Computer Society (MBCS) and a Chartered IT Professional (CITP).
Twitter: @akmalchaudhri
XML data management: native xml and xml-enabled database systems
Succeeding with object databases
Object databases in practice
Presentation: TweetCrossing the chasm with NoSQL
This presentation will discuss the reasons for the rise and development of NoSQL technology, and compare and contrast the alternative approaches. It will also look back at previous generations of database systems over the past 20 years and assess how they have fared commercially and whether NoSQL vendors can learn anything from history to avoid the same mistakes and pitfalls. Looking ahead, this presentation will also discuss some future directions for NoSQL technology.