NoSQL Search Roadshow Berlin 2013

Presentation: "Yokozuna, combining Solr with Riak"

Time: Thursday 11:40 - 12:30 / Location: To be announced

Solr is a well-established search technology in the JVM software space, providing scalable and highly-reliable search indexing for many of the world's largest internet sites. With Riak, our open-source, distributed, fault-tolerant database we're building direct support into Riak to allow you to perform document-based searching at scale.

Christian Dahlqvist, Client Services Engineer at Basho

Christian Dahlqvist

Biography: Christian Dahlqvist

Christian Dahlqvist is a Client Services Engineer at Basho Technologies. He works closely with customers to build solutions with Riak, the open-source distributed database. Prior to working at Basho, he helped develop and integrate billing and near real-time charging and policy solutions for the Telecom sector across the world.