NoSQL Search Roadshow Munich 2013

Oleksandr Petrov, Zefops @ Stylefruits/ClojureWerkz

Oleksandr Petrov

Biography: Oleksandr Petrov

Clojurewerkz team member, functional programming junkie, distributed systems developer, firing conference lobby discussions.

As a part of Clojurewerkz team, developed Clojure drivers for RabbitMQ, ElasticSearch, Riak,  Cassandra and Neo4j, Cascading taps for several databases and many other Open Source libraries.

Working on data analysis and visualization, making things obvious.

Twitter: @ifesdjeen

Presentation: Cassandra: escaping from the burning city of Troy

Time: Tuesday 12:30 - 13:15 / Location: Effner II

While the amount and growth rate of data are constantly increasing, customer demands don't stay the same, too. Often we have to make impossible things happen by taking our systems to the next level, being able to handle, store, process and represent larger and larger quantities of data.

Cassandra is a fault-tolerant, distributed database, allowing you to scale linearly without compromising performance or availability.

Learn how to model your data in a way you can query it with ease, improve your processing techniques, take advantage of Java Virtual Machine to speed up your development cycles and improve performance.