NoSQL Search Roadshow Zurich 2013
Ameya Kantikar, TweetEngineer on Groupon

Biography: Ameya Kantikar
Ameya is a lead engineer on Groupon’s initiative to build scalable HBase-backed platform for Groupon’s deal personalization and relevance targeting systems.
Before HBase he architected scalable messagebus system that now powers Groupon's global service oriented architecture. Earlier he was Sr Software Engineer at LiveOps working with distributed systems. Ameya holds masters in Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University and masters in Computer science from Pune University.
Twitter: @aktwits
Presentation: TweetDeal Personalization System with HBase @ Groupon
At Groupon, NoSQL technologies such as HBase now powers most of the backend technology for real time delivery of “deal” experience across all platforms, as well as powers our batch clusters for consolidated user data. We have over 40 billion data points in our HBase clusters. Multiple projects on top of HBase are underway, and the availability of large scale data store has allowed our product and engineering teams to plan for innovative applications that were not possible earlier.
This talk will cover how we arrived at HBase as the NoSQL solution for our use case. We will also cover overall architecture and design of the system and thought process behind building the system, overall DB schema, will share some learnings from setting up and operating large HBase cluster, as well as some learnings in terms of scaling the system to billions of data points.